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Accessible Requires Authentication Pre-published online by De Gruyter March 22, 2021

Terminalia arjuna supplementation ameliorates high fat diet-induced oxidative stress in nephrotoxic rats

Pallavi S. Kanthe, Bheemshetty S. Patil and Kusal K. Das
Pallavi S. Kanthe*, Bheemshetty S. Patil and Kusal K. DasTerminalia arjunasupplementation ameliorateshigh fat diet-induced oxidative stress innephrotoxic rats July 4, 2020; accepted January 24, 2021;published online March 22, 2021AbstractObjectives:Dietary high fat possibly causes oxidativestress; also it makes deleterious effect on kidney functionsand land up in lipotoxicity in renal tissue. Lipotoxicity is thepathological situation where lipid Peroxidation occurs andgenerates reactive oxygen species (ROS). Overproduction ofROS than antioxidant present in tissues cause oxidativestress.Terminalia arjunais found to be potential antioxidantthat counteract oxidative stress and possibly maintainglomerular integrity.Methods:Ethanolic extract ofT. arjuna(ETO) was preparedand phytochemical analysis was done. Rats were divided intofour groups, having six rats in each group as following; group1-Control (20% fat); group 2 (ETO 100 mg/kg/b.wt); group 3(30% fat) and group 4 (30% fat+ETO 100 mg/kg/b.wt).Dietary and ETO supplementation were continued for21 days. Gravimetric, kidney functions (blood urea andserum creatinine) and oxidative stress markers like MDA,SOD and GSH were evaluated. Histopathological analysiswas done on kidney along with measurement of glomerularintegrity. Morphometrical analysis of glomerular integritywas evaluated by measuring glomerular length, width,glomerular area and Bowmans capsule radius. One wayANOVA was done for analysis of data.Results:Blood urea and serum creatinine levels weresignificantly higher in high fat fed rats indicating renaldysfunction. High fat diet showed significant increase inMDA, decrease in SOD and GSH in rats fed with high fatdiet, which indicate generation of oxidative stress. Supple-mentation of ETO showed amelioratic effect against highfat diet induced renal dysfunction and oxidative stress.Histopathologicalfindings were significantly corroboratedwith morphometrical analysis of glomerular integrity.Conclusions:Ethanolic extracts ofT. arjunasupplemen-tation found to be beneficial against high fat induced renalalterations in terms of functions and architecture.Keywords:glomerular integrity; high fat diet; Terminaliaarjuna.IntroductionIt is widely said that high fat consumption can effect to thehealth of human body [1]. Bodys homeostasis is main-tained by healthy diet and healthy life style. In presentyear, life style being over influenced by the consumption ofhigh fat diet [2]. Such high fat diet is mainly containinghigh fraction of saturated fatty acid compared to mono andpolyunsaturated fatty acid. These saturated fats affectpositive balance of the body and develop into obesity [3].High fat diet is a detrimental factor to develop metabolicdisorders like hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes mel-litus, insulin disorder and oxidative stress [4]. Among vitalorgans kidney is thefirst organ showing altered functionsdue to effect of high fat diet [5]. High fat diet affects positiveenergy balance and causes ectopic accumulation of fat inintracellular compartments. Renal fat deposition makesdeleterious effect on kidney functions and land up in lip-otoxicity in renal tissue [6]. Lipotoxicity is the pathologicalsituation where lipid peroxidation occurs and generatesreactive oxygen species (ROS). Overproduction of ROS thanantioxidant present in tissues cause oxidative stress [7].In this scenario a promising therapeutic approach forthe prevention of adverse effect of high fat diet is recom-mended. However, several synthetic modern medicines areavailable which are expensive and have been associatedwith many unacceptable adverse effects [8].Hence much focus has been given for safe and effectivetherapeutics profile of plant based that have very less sideeffects. Among several medicinal plantsTerminalia arjunaholds pride place in the traditional system of medicine. It iscommonly known as Arjuna and belongs to Combretaceaefamily. It includes approximately 200 species distributed*Corresponding author: Pallavi S. Kanthe, Physiology, Shri BM PatilMedical College, Bijapur, Karnataka 586103, India,E-mail: mepallavipatil@gmail.comBheemshetty S. Patil,Anatomy, Shri BM Patil Medical College,Bijapur, IndiaKusal K. Das,Physiology, Shri BM Patil Medical College, Bijapur,Karnataka, IndiaJ Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol 2021; aop