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Title: Bull Gore Injury - Rural Indian Scenario.
Authors: Girish K Kullolli, Manoj K Vaidya, Deepak R Chavan.
Keywords: Bull gore injury, Bull horn injury, Penetrating trauma, Chest trauma
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: Bull horn injuries are defined as lesions resulting from collision with the horns of a bull/cow. Bull horn injuries are commonly observed in rural areas where there is a large livestock population and the oxen are frequently employed for ploughing the fields and various domestic works. The injuries sustained include the direct penetrating injuries caused by horns of the animal and blunt injuries sustained such as chest and spine injuries and long bone fractures. Hence, these patients must be thoroughly examined for all the injuries followed by specific treatment for the injured region or affected organ
Appears in Collections:Faculty of General Surgery

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