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Title: Knowledge About Lactational Amenorrhea as a Natural Family Planning Method among Nursing Students.
Authors: Rekha Udgiri, Vijaya Sorganvi Arun
Keywords: Knowledge, Lactational amenorrhoea, Natural family planning method.
Issue Date: 20-Feb-2013
Publisher: BLDE(Deemed to be University)
Abstract: Breast milk is amrit for babies and is vital for child survival, maternal health and child spacing. [1]Breast milk and breastfeeding provide physiological and psychological benefits birth for baby as well as the lactating mother. The breastfeeding mechanism also stimulates the release of certain hormones in the breastfeeding woman that render her amenorrhoeic and protect her from another pregnancy. Field and laboratory investigation have confirmed the traditional belief that lactation prolongs postpartum amenorrhea and provides some degree of protection against pregnancy [2] It has been estimated that 50% of pregnancies are unwanted or unplanned. The lacational amenorrhea method (LAM) is a highly efficient tool for the women to utilize. The efficacy and effectiveness of LAM is affected by its correct usage. The present study was undertaken to assess the knowledge on LAM among nursing students. OBJECTIVES: To assess the knowledge about lactation amenorrhea among nursing students, To compare the pre and post test results after giving health education.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Community Medicine

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