Sub-communities within this community
Circulation Data 2016-2021
Checkouts,Checkins & Renewals of central library documents
Document Delivery Service 2016-2021
Delivery of Articles,e-books,Videos etc. to library users through mail/online.
Library Footfalls 2016-2021
The data related to daily physical visit to the central library by the users of the library.
OPAC Searches 2016-2021
Use of OPAC for the search of books, journals and other library documents.
Overdue/Fine Collected from Students 2016-2021
Monthly fine collected from UG,PG & Research Scholar
Plagiarism/Similarity Check Service 2017-2021
The documents of UG,PG, Reaearch scholars and Faculty checked for plag.through Turnitin/Urkund/Ourginal software